Sunday, August 28, 2005


i am in a totally bizarre mood

while i have no problem typing up a storm, i've been kinda evasive about really wanting to talk to people most of this week... there's just been a lot of transitions to process.

i'm really glad i did the whole time with my aunt thing to think about grandma stuff a bit, but when i came back it put me in a bizarre mood -- here i am unpacking my stuff, but also a bunch of grandma's stuff.... i inherited a framed photo of her, age 10, and her baby sister that was on her table in her nursing home room for the past 5 years... also my aunt and uncle put together a picture for everyone in the family of grandma from sometime in the past couple years with a goofy grin on her face, and they put a poem on the back that my aunt had written after g-ma's second stroke... i had no shelf to put them on here, so i put them in the middle of my collection of angels on my bookcase... somehow that seems appropriate.

last night, scott threw a party at his house since his brother and cousin were visiting this weekend from wisconsin.... after much debating, ben and leigh convinced me i should come, especially as i've purposely avoiding parties for like the past year... i came, i chatted for a little, and then i went to eric's room to hide out and read for awhile... scott was *SO* excited to see me, and even came up to find me and read me a dr. seuss book before it was time for me to go.

eric doesn't get back into town til tomorrow, but he emailed me while i was in prague that he bought a piano off of ebay... i couldn't picture it fitting in his room, but sure enough there's a freakin piano in there!

i've been reading... ben had this book from an undergrad class and i'm borrowing it to consider if i should ask dr. z. if i can make it the minor topic for my oral quals... plus i wouldn't mind bruce on my committee, (he's visiting rutgers this year from michigan as a guest of dr. z.), and so this could work out well.

roommate gave me this book as a birthday present and i just got it when i got back into town... it's a very quick read but it's kinda fun... i've made it through the first 1/3 to 1/2 which is all einstein's life history and personal philosophy and am finally into reading the actual letters.

apparently my altar guild team was in charge for august... last year we were march and september, and this year was supposed to be the same, but apparently our team traded with the september team for some reason.... this means that i missed every saturday in august for setting up since i was in europe for every week but this past one, and i was in pittsburgh yesterday... and i've missed cleanup every week except for today... oops. bonnie knew i was going to be gone, i just feel a little silly that i missed it all. so it goes.

i haven't been that hungry since i've been back from europe... the only thing that looks appealing is fruit and salads,... sugary stuff in general looks like overkill and i want nothing of it... i guess this isn't a bad phase to be going through... if that's all i feel like eating, it can only help with my weight loss goals, right?

i should get my morning exercising spurt done so i can get myself ready and out the door for church.

done babbling.

later dudes.

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