Sunday, December 10, 2006

crazy alert...

2 things that amused me in the past few days:

(1) friday, i checked my mailbox in the math building and had an envelope mailed without return address from somewhere in california. i expected it to be some sort of math newsletter or math advertisement... or something math related... after all, who sends me mail at my math building address besides math-related stuff? open the envelope and inside there was a postcard telling me where to go to download snood to my cellphone and two bumper stickers that read "forget life... play snood!". i didn't ask for this, it just appeared. how the heck me, and only me, out of the whole math department ended up with that... not a clue. people are funny. apparently i have a snood-adverising stalker.

(2) i've been on a chewing gum kick lately... dentyne ice, trident with the center-filled 2-flavor gum, etc., etc... all the gum packages now say "not a low-calorie food". are there really people out there who try to live solely on chewing gum? if so, that's mildly disturbing. if not, then i find it hilarious that the chewing gum manufacturers have to explicitly tell us that chewing gum does not make a meal.

the end.

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