Friday, November 21, 2003

brain drain

dude... so thursday night is no math night which means food and cards. we always play sheepshead and i usually end the night with a negative score, but i think i just set an all time record... -30 in one night! mostly because of bad cards most of the night and a few times on account of obscure rules i didn't have quite straight... bother...

on the other hand, to make up for the worst night of cards ever, it's like the clearest sky ever out there! after all the rain we've had lately -- i think the raritan river (maybe 150(?) feet out behind my apartment building) would literally swallow up my apartment if we got even just some more drizzle in the near future! -- it had to clear up eventually, but tonight is spectacular! i just spent 30 minutes out there with my crummy book of constellations trying to figure them out... besides orion, the pleiades, and cassiopeia, pretty sure i found gemini, auriga, cephus, and canis major -- major party and a half! there's also a huge star near orion (not sure if it's aldebran or sirius??) that flashes blue and orange... eric and me found it with his binoculars a couple of weeks ago and it was really bright tonight too... most excellent all around!

kinda in a weird mood... it's been a long week for many reasons... but margie comes tomorrow to visit! yay for friends =)

top 10 thoughts of the evening (in no significant order whatsoever)
1) dude the stars are cool!... had to be a night like this that God told Abraham his descendents would be as many as the stars in the sky... or even clearer if that's possible... durn spiffy
2) where did my smarts go? i mean, i know i'm not dumb or whatever, but there are times when i really wonder... yeah, whatever, not being a pessimist, not being a pessimist....
3) i miss nicole... still... a lot... that'll be true for like forever... there's not a day since she died 11 weeks ago now that something doesn't make me think of her... and several times a day... today it was a song on the radio on the way to school that was also on the CD she gave all of us roommates for graduation in may... or when i'm a bit bummed/stressed/whatever and want to (or do) complain, i always end up seeing her in the back of my head... with her "listening face", not much to say until i was done yaking, and then "well, la, i still think you're a wonderful person",... yeah, i miss nicole
4) margie's coming! margie's coming! dude, only like 15 hours from now -- how awesome is that?!?!?! yay! =)
5) there is no spoon
6) i miss hugs... valpo was a full of hugs, international church of budapest was full of hugs... math grad school, not so full of hugs... which is fine, that's how it works, and i wouldn't trade the people here for anything, but dude, today i could use a hug
7) "i have run, i have crawled, i have scaled these city walls, but i still haven't found what i'm looking for" ~u2... dude that song's been in my head for a couple days!
8) do i tire other people out even half as much as i tire me out? =P
9) there's a website i like about exploding grapes in your microwave here... i think it's one of the greatest things i've ever read but never tried it... wonder what would happen if i did... well, maybe amanda would want to have my head... that wouldn't be good... but exploding fruit in the microwave? c'mon, that's entertainment, right? (i know, pyro! pyro! pyro!.. whatever =P)
10) i have the best friends ever... i've been a bum this week, and you all are great =) yay for you =)

dude, ok, end of brain dump... time to watch some dumb tv i recorded while i was out tonight and get some sleep... gotta clean in the morning so that margie at least doesn't think i set out to make the place messy before she got here =) good night all =P

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