Monday, September 05, 2005


so nina and jessica are gone... leigh's friend claire is here instead and i just spent the day with the two of them and with ben in easton, pennsylvania at the crayola factory which was fairly fun.

now that i'm not busying myself with crayons and clay though, i'm in a totally bizarre and reflective mood.

2 years ago this evening my friend nicole died in a car wreck in florida.

perhaps that's why i've been in a bizarre mood most all day which is especially coming out now that i sit still and think and type for a bit. i wish i could call her and say hi, or something. with every week that goes by i have a harder and harder time remembering her voice clearly in my head, and that makes me sad.

nicole was an amazingly cheerful person and totally addicted to smiley faces. without fail, no matter where she was and no matter where i was, i could count on her for a happy phone call for birthdays, and any generally memorable holiday, event, whatever. in some ways i can't believe it's been 2 years so fast, and in others she already feels soooo much farther away than i would have imagined after 2 years... i dunno.

2 years ago saturday night was the last time i talked to nicole. ironically, the general theme was "God's timing is the best timing, like it or not, understand it or not". i sure as heck don't understand it at all, but i guess such is life... but isn't that an ironic(?) note to end on?

nicole's brother's away message today says this:

Smile Big Because God Loves You And So Do I!!!!!!!

There are times when we don't know what to say, and in those times, perhaps it is best just to listen and pray.

God's peace be to everyone today and always!

i liked it.

end of thoughts.

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