Wednesday, December 21, 2005

greetings from memphis y'all

i'm here!

it's been a crazy long day though.

yesterday, i was on the road by 7:15am, so i could take leigh to the train station on my way out of town... that put me in pittsburgh around 1pm... since my aunt was still working (she telecommutes from the house), my uncle and i went up north of town to visit my step grandpa at his nursing home. he was in the best spirits i'd seen him in in awhile. he got upgraded to regular food (instead of pureed) last week, which makes him happy, and he had just had other visitors right before us who brought him cookies. we chatted for awhile before i went back to my aunt's house for dinner and to crash.

today i was up at 5 (eastern), and out the door by 6 for 12.5 hours of driving fun. i made awesome time though, and now here i am at my parents' place in memphis, TN.

it makes me happy to cross the state line into TN... it also makes my day when i pick up memphis radio again... while NY has the best christian station i've heard in the country, i am at a lack of good rock/pop/top40/country stations in NJ... we get the leftovers from NY and philly with strong enough signals... strong signals doesn't guarantee quality DJs though... then again, the first strain of memphis radio i caught today was tom prestagiacomo on FM 100 with "... so how many day's til christmas?! that's right... (cue hey ya, which starts with "1,2,3,...")" which is completely corny, but what the hey... some of the other songs they were up to there, and on the other stations were much better than some of what i've heard lately in jersey... and i like the DJs better here too... oh! and i love going through nashville and having my choice of a dozen country stations instead of the ... *none* i get in jersey... so yay for good music!

in other news, my dad hasn't seen me since may, so he was amazed at how much i've changed in size since then. also, tonight, while he took care of animals outside, mom and i went to church. people there flipped out over how much weight i've lost too. since i haven't lost any since before thanksgiving (not gained any, just stayed at the same weight), i've felt rather tubby and lazy. but for people who haven't seen me since may or since last december, they all get excited to see the change, and that's affirming at least. even if i drove 1200 miles in the past two days, i've not walked much at all... tomorrow i'm going to the park to walk/jog a few laps... i'm looking forward to actually moving! :P

mom and i went to dixie cafe for dinner tonight after church... jalapeno cornbread, sweet tea, and catfish make me happy too. :)

now, to hang out at the computer until dad puts the parrots to bed... i don't like going through their room to get to mine when they're out of their cages... oh! and the family has 3 chinchillas now... they're quite cute. :)

the end.

night y'all :P

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