Wednesday, May 03, 2006

getting there...

as of 15 minutes ago, my final project for my one and only graduate class this semester is done.

to do between now and monday?

* tutor from 10-1
* run a calc 3 review session from 1-4
(that's 6 straight hours of entertaining undergrads with math without a break)

* meeting with several of my students who want to talk about calc in addition to the review session
* oil change for my car

* proctor my students' final from 8-11am
* grade finals until 7 pm or so with the prof. i TA for

besides the above which has specific times, there's also:
* learn to read math in french and pass that exam before i leave town
* accomplish at least *something* more research-wise to show my advisor by monday
* pack

getting there... will be glad when *all* of the above is done!

the end.

happy wednesday?

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