Tuesday, August 08, 2006

farewell to the city of 1000 spires...

in 24 hours i'll be in hungary, less than an hour away from budapest. this is happy. i am tired.

prague has been amazing. for as much as i saw last year, i managed to see a LOT more completely new things than i expected to. that was fantastic. i've taken over 500 photos in the past 15 days. i've learned a lot chatting with my students, it's all been really good.

last night was the "farewell dinner" for the program, despite the fact that the final lecture is at 2pm today (in 45 minutes)... afterwards we went to a pub and drank a lot of beer too, and then slept quite well. today is a lazy day... reading outside, buying last minute touristy things, paying bills online while i still have free university internet, packing. 2.5 weeks goes by really fast.

while i'll miss people, i'm glad to move on too. my church in budapest is the place that resonates most in my mind with the word HOME, and i'm ecstatic for the chance to be there for the next two sundays. (i've been on beautiful hikes but really missed church the past two sundays).

i'm happy to get back to a city i know forwards and backwards, a language i know a bit more of than czech, the chance to visit with good old friends one on one (dinner with shalom tomorrow night!), and the opportunity to travel at my own pace instead of in a group of 10-15. the next week will definitely be therapeutic for me. i can't wait to get there. :)

updates less frequently from hungary, but i'll probably buy burger king internet time just for the chance to blab about what i'm up to, so stay loosely tuned for more stories. :P

summary: prague is beautiful, but farewell 1000 spires... hello to the pearl of the danube tomorrow. :)

later dudes.

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