Saturday, June 10, 2006

...and we're off (again)

in the past 24 hours...

* spent an afternoon waiting around campus for next week's REU speaker to send me an abstract before i left... finally succeeded
* practiced my iceland talk twice to an empty office
* helped several REU students make their required webpages
* fun pre-international travel financial stuff
* packed
* dinner and an at home movie with colleen
* some sleep (not enough)
* altar guild at church
* finished packing
* putzed around a LOT
* gave my iceland talk to leigh (she's the first person to have heard it and she was overall quite pleased with it, so there's hope i won't look like a total fool on monday)

in the next 24 hours....
* train from NJ to new york penn station
* train from penn to jamaica
* other train from jamaica to jfk (i've never flown out of any NY area airport but newark before... it shall be an adventure)
* 6 hour flight to iceland, land at 6:30ish local time, 2:30ish (AM) NJ time
* bus from airport to reykjavik, find hotel, convince them to take my 50 pound suitcase while i go explore the city for the day in the rain on no sleep :P

conference begins monday... plenty of stories to be told upon return i'm sure.

monday (morning US time/afternoon iceland time = eastern time + 4 hours) keep me in mind... i'm giving a half an hour talk to specialists in my research area... both people whose work i mention will be in the audience and i've never met them before. i'm very conscious of not wanting to appear incompetant or foolish... :P

i'm outta here... farewell USA for a few days, hello reykjavik :)

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