Tuesday, June 13, 2006

iceland, day three

yesterday´s talk actually went just fine. people appreciated my jokes about dr. z. and his influence on my speaking style. the two mathematicians i referenced both talked to me afterwards, and said nice things which was good. general consensus was it was a good talk. math people seriously are the friendliest ever, and it makes sense to be a little worried, but is affirming that they´re all so accepting and encouraging anyhow.

last night adam (another grad student here) and i went to the volcano show, which is basically a 2 hour documentary by an icelandic man in his 60s... he and his father have filmed every volcanic eruption in iceland since WWII, and he´s quite an interesting character. with how cold and windy it was it was a quality way to spend the evening.

now, we saw blue skies this morning since the first time i got here... in 10 minutes we leave for a tour of geysir, gullfoss, and the original meetinggrounds of the alþingi (the icelandic parliament) from like 1000+ years ago... it should be super cool, and hopefully, not raining for once!

more in another day or two!

(i´m in iceland and you´re not ;P)

1 comment:

klh75 said...

I'm glad the talk went well. What is this exactly about your advisor - his computer has a name but doesn't do powerpoint. Gotta love it.
Enjoy Iceland!