long day of math after waking up majorly stuffed up... yuck.
i spent early afternoon working with scott at panera, mid afternoon in my advisor's office getting disheartened about what i spent several hopeless hours chipping away at yesterday, and late afernoon in my room preparing for the lecture i have to give tomorrow. when eric stopped by my office mid afternoon just before i left campus i asked
me: "hey, do you like quiznos?"
eric: "um sure"
me: hey, do you like quiznos today?"
eric: "um, sure, what time?"
me: "after your meeting with z?"
eric: "4pm? i don't think so. how about 6 oclock?"
me: "ok, let's do it."
we ate at quiznos and sat outside, and quickly realized why we don't usually. although it was perfect weather for outside, the quiznos tables are on a slanted sidewalk. they don't look crooked, but when you sit, your tray slides down the table towards the street unless you hang on to it the whole time. oops. since most of our dinner discussion was about how we both felt alright all weekend and both woke up congested today the following was especially entertaining:
me: "hey, do you like a cookie?"
eric: "i don't know, do i?"
me: "i think you do."
eric: "maybe, i think my throat likes tea better."
me: "ooooh!"
eric: "um, yeeeeeees?"
me: "what about a TEA party!... tea AND cookie!" (tea party onward pronounced in my best fake british accent possible)
eric: "ooh! i think i would quite fancy a tea party" (also in his best fake british accent)
we then decided that since eric had never had scones (how is that possible?!) we should go to the grocery store to get scones and cookies. then, "tea party" is loosely defined as eric and me with a plate of scones and cookies, and funky flavored tea, reading "go dog go" and discussing math in our most fake british accents possible. it was fun. we decided we need "tea parties" more often, especially when we both have sore throats. photos:
eric's first scones EVER, plus ENTERTAINING cookies (they seriously did a jig in the box in the store to convince us to buy them ;)... plus, as the box says 42 delicious cookies in 9 delectable varities... you can't say no to 42)
fuzzy tea party picture
this face says it all
non-tea party. i found this book this weekend in baltimore. the author of a whole calc book where EVERY problem is about making pizza? my HERO
wish me luck for having a voice tomorrow... nothing all day except that i substitute lecture for the calc 3 honors section at 5.
later dudes. the end.
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