Sunday, January 25, 2004

and so it goes

dude, what a day

i've been in a weird mood for most all of it... various and sundry reasons, but overall, i think i just woke up in a funk, nothing today really snapped me out of it, and thus i'm still in a funk... perhaps tomorrow i'll be cheerier.

significant events

* this morning at church pastor j announced that when he gets to his 65th birthday (this november) he's retiring... when he finished and his wife talked for a minute, the congregation gave them an ovation... the thing is, he's such a gifted and versatile preacher/pastor that he'll be greatly missed... he's been in the congregation here 27 years... i've just been attending there since september and i'll miss him a lot... but like he said, in light of that, we still have 10 months to rejoice together as the next steps for the congregation are taken... it'll be interesting to be sure.... i'm not sure exactly what the words are to my reaction to this, but yeah, the end.

* small confrontation w/ the roommate... it's even on a seemingly silly topic... we were discussing some bills / other apartment stuff and she throws in "by the way, i get migraines and you light scented candles... can you keep the door shut when you do that?" a perfectly acceptable complaint, and i plan to respect it... the reason it even makes the blog is, 99% of the time when i have candles lit, my door is shut... she complained because last night i left my door open when i went out for an hour; i had just extinguished them when i headed out and my room still smelled like vanilla pecan... fine, fair enough... but why is it ok that she had like 5 scented candles lit in the tv room last night too but my candles aren't ok? just confused by the double standard because if scented candles are the problem, she shouldn't be lighting them for herself too... oh well. i don't think i'll ever understand her really, just try to get along.

* worked on analysis for a bit... figured out 1 problem last night, couldn't get the other one on my own, or working with eric in the office, so i called up jared, we went to his place and he explained all.,.. immediately after that we went to colleen's to work on lie groups... i got next to nothing out of that since colleen and leigh have been discussing it all weekend and i've been elsewhere so they were at a different point than me in reading/working, plus the style they were attacking it with wasn't working for me... good for them, just yeah, i left feeling like i had accomplished nothing in the previous 4 hours, and still in a funk

*following me giving up on lie groups for the evening, eric and i argued for at least half an hour about how to read star maps and where in the sky we saw the meteor last night... not heated, just both convinced we were right and the other was confused... it more or less ended with
eric: "and now i could just make a sweeping sexist comment"
me: "except it won't apply here, so you won't"
eric: "because you don't count as a girl?"
me: "that and because i DO have a good sense of direction"

it's all a list of little piddly not-a-big-deal things, but i'm tired, and tired of people for the night.

reading, then sleeping off my attitude... night all.

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