Wednesday, January 28, 2004

proof that dreams are images in your head firing at random

not the best subject line, but it's to the point... when i took psych 101 last year for an elective that was one of the theories of where dreams come from that we learned about... now, check out what i just woke up from dreaming, and if that doesn't just illustrate it perfectly, then i don't know what does.

so i'm somewhere with some people i don't know... i remember having left aunt priscilla's house (pittsburgh) telling her we (don't know who i was with at the time) earlier and telling her we'd be back fine at some point that night

so we go downtown somewhere (definitely not pittsburgh) and to this old warehouse type place where the people i'm with (who apparently i know from somewhere) are part of an organization that runs this crazy place... it's like a 2 story crawl-through maze lit up with blacklights and stuff, really kinda cool and they're showing me around before it gets busy for opening hours... we make it halfway through (certain that when i started out the place was inside), realize it's later than we thought and crawl out of the maze where we're at (and suddenly there's no roof to the place and it's daylight outside)...

so we go back to the entrance because the people i'm with have to work and who's first in line but michelle collins and some kid she's watching (michelle would be in minneapolis; the kid she was watching she called daniel and when i looked at him, it was a younger version of a troublemaking kid i used to have in daycare in memphis)... we chat for a bit, comment that we're both surprised that i'm still in minneapolis (wasn't i in pittsburgh when this started?), look out the top of the roofless building and see clouds doing crazy things and are concerned how long the weather will hold, then the kid can't wait anymore and wants to go play, so michelle rushes off with him and we agree to meet up front...

the sky almost instantly turns black and i run into the ticket area of the entrance, the only part of the building with a roof, but people look at me like i'm crazy... certain we had walked over earlier, i don't give a second thought to the fact that my car is sitting in the entrance area, scott and colleen are there waiting to go (road trip!) and so is mason (budapest semesters friend) and some of his columbia south carolina buddies (they didn't really have faces... i've never visited mason in SC)...

despite the fact that it's warm and going to rain, apparently there's ice to scrape off my car, and so while like 10 people are packed in it, singing along with the radio and bouncing around, i have the scraper out and am attacking the windows with a vengeance (last night it was cold and icy and i had to scrape off my car a few times, with people with me)... as i round the last corner of the car, one of the people (one i know, but won't say who b/c it disturbed me that i attributed this to this person) had been trying to start the car for me, but they had been listening to my radio so long without actually starting the engine that the battery was run down and this person couldn't get it to start... so this person immediately pulls a gun out of their pocket and is like "dude, i'll be back, i know the easy way to get what we need to get this thing going again" and hands another gun to another of the people there... so it's a quasi hostage situation... i make myself busy again with scraping windows (not sure if i'm in pittsburgh? minneapolis? columbia? all at the same time?) from ice, in the rain, concerned that if i go out front to catch up w/ michelle again that i'll get shot or have to bring someone with a gun with me -- i don't like that.

i get restless, and am mad that my road trip is stranded wherever we are so i try to start the car myself , and it starts right up for me... gotta figure out who belongs in my car and who doesn't for the rest of the trip... want to just jet outta there but remember that i need to wait for my friend with the gun, regardless of the fact that they have a gun... so we have like 10 people milling in and about my car

then jared and a friend drive up in a crazy old boat of a car and are like "guys! wait! we have food for the trip!" and start unloading tons and tons... while they hand us like a life-time supply of tuna, and a huge industrial size tub of goldfish crackers, and some other random odds and ends, scott's trying to arrange the people as well as the food in the car and it's not working

i make sure no one is in the driver's seat b/c that's my job, and try to clear off the windshield, but the wipers have gotten completely shredded by the people and i'm trying to figure out how i can get new ones, still concerned i'm going to miss michelle.

so then i pretty much woke up, mid dream, concerned where i was, having seen people from way too many settings at once, still with a gun aimed in my general direction but more concerned about winshield wipers and where to fit all the people, concerned that trying to fix the problems will make me miss another short visit with michelle.

no wonder i was confused when i woke up... but that's pretty impressive detail to still remember a dream in... it's not often that i actually remember them, so do dah for that... but yeah, go figure, my head is a strange and mixed up place... and if that doesn't prove that at least some dreams are just images in your head firing at random, i don't know what does.

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