Wednesday, January 21, 2004

back to school

dude, so today was second day of classes... 3 attended, the 4th one i'll have tomorrow and then it's all a trick of remembering which class to go to where on which days and getting the gears in my brain rolling on math again... joy.

what am i up to this semester? analysis 2 (this is the class that drove me nuts last semester), algebra 2 (i'm ok with this), lie groups (i took lie algebras last semester... loosely related but from what little i know about lie groups disjoint), and graph theory (bouncing off the wall with excitement about this)... should be good... and hopefully i'll get to be friends with analysis this semester... who knows.

overall, it's good to be back. i have a lot of fun with the people here and am getting to know a few of them better lately than most of last semester when i was just plain overwhelmed most of the time.

i was thinking tonight when i was coming back from errands, dinner on campus, etc. that i'm just plain lucky... despite how much i complain about workload and stress at times; no matter how much i get frustrated at times, i really am blessed... i mean like i totally get a salary to learn. there's requirements and hurdles along the way but time to catch up with life the universe and everything along the way, and pick up on other things i'm curious about. scott, for example, (one of the other first year math students) is taking a philosophy class this semester... colleen's been active in on-campus christian/catholic fellowship stuff... eric and me have been driving out to the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night and learning constellations. to be paid to explore the world and stuff i'm interested in is about one of the coolest situations ever to be in, and i really am fortunate to have this job while the opportunity's here.

enough being all flowery/prosaic/whatever.

that's basically the scoop for now;... new classes to attack, feeling good to be back and feel like i have a fresh start of sorts.

saturday should be interesting... the church i go to here has its organization based very much on spiritual gifts and i'm going to a spiritual gifts seminar/workshop there all day this coming saturday... looking forward to it.

saturday after that eric pinky-swore we'd go check out the big planetarium in NYC, perfect since we've been working on learning the constellations... i saw a planetarium show back in memphis over break which is what sparked the idea... actually when he's done practicing horn tonight we're going to go outside with start charts and see how many constellations we can track down since although it's still cold it's not so cold tonight that your nose feels like it's about to fall of within 5 minutes of stepping out the door. (how's that for a looooong sentence?)

at any rate, that's the scoop,... for real this time =P stars, analysis, and ragamuffin gospel, then sleep. later.

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