Saturday, January 29, 2005

ode to shopping

i've been productive today! not at all at math, but you know...

got brithday cards for 3 really cool people who have birthdays this week...

went to riteaid to get some various things, including some vanilla vodka to celebrate clearing off my MBNA credit card :-)

then i went to the grocery store... for starters i was by myself and got a cart... usually i'm paranoid about pushing a cart and get a handbasket and if it doesn't fit in there i don't get it... which results in lots of grocery trips and not getting a lot each time... oi

today, i got a cart, i was all proud of myself that i did... and got to the checkout... things were fine... i put all my groceries up on the moving belt and then pushed my cart up and helped the bagger put the grocery bags in it... however, not paying attention, i stuck my grocery discount card on the belt behind all my groceries (since the checker was in the middle of ringing up all my stuff by the time i got it out)... then, neither of us paid attention to it until the card went zip... right into the inside of the belt.... the manager, the checker, and the bagger all took apart part of the checkout machine/belt to get it back out... needless to say, i felt just a bit dumb

if all's well that ends well, life is good... i got my groceries... i had the victory of pushing my own shopping cart through the store without a problem :-P... my discount card was retrieved, and i got all my stuff home... but dude... how many times in a week do you think they get customers who accidentally throw their shopping discount card into the moving belt at the checkout and cause employees to dismantle the machine... i have to be pretty unique on that one.


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