Friday, January 21, 2005


my day

8am: awake

9:30am: tried to leave for school, car was mad about it being cold... took a little longer to get going than i counted on

9:50am: i'm about 30 seconds late for class, but am only the 2nd one in the room... 10 minutes in there's still just two of us (only 4 showed up on tuesday and 7 are registered)... this is with a prof i'm mildly scared (word choice) of, so there's me in the back corner, ian at the front of my row, and the prof, waiting on more people to show up and chatting with us... 3 more came within 5 minutes, but not until i decided to sit up front with ian instead of being in the back corner when i was one of only 2 people in the audience... oh well

11:10am: done with class and back to the office... check email, get a bunch of stuff out of the math library, set up for pizza seminar, run around in the cold outside with eric, come back in and warm up, get people to go with me across campus to pick up pizza

1:10pm: introduced the pizza seminar speaker (this week jared), and sat back for an hour of pizza and listening to a talk about special relativity (it was pretty cool)

2:30pm: clean up from pizza seminar and other such fun, go to my office to kill 45 minutes before a 3:30 meeting i had with the dimacs people (the people hiring me for the summer)

3:15pm: get an email that says that one of the people i need to meet with unexpectedly had to step out, can i meet at 4 instead... proceed to kill 45 more minutes playing minesweeper in my office

4pm: go to meet people i'll be working with this summer... get a tour of the building and a list of important dates in the next couple weeks, along with things i should do in the next week or two as far as planning goes

4:45pm: meeting done, pack up all my stuff, and go home

5pm: finally get home (this is a really long day for my schedule!), and immediately start working on updating the pizza seminar website

5:30pm: eric and scott come over with the intent of watching star wars episode 2 (we've watched 4,5,6, and 1 in the last week and a half on different nights)... we set it up and eric's copy of the DVD didn't like leigh or colleen's dvd player, so around 6, we send scott and leigh out to rent a better copy... eric turns on an episode of deep space nine (leigh has the entire season on dvd) and we finish it about the time scott and leigh return

background: once, when i was frustrated with scott about 2 months ago, leigh was on the phone with him and i was in our TV room... as she walked through and he asked her how mad i was, she jokingly commented that "scott, i think you'll have to get her flowers to get yourself out of this one"... the poor boy took it seriously and said he promised, rather he virtual pinky-swore, that he would... all the guys were like "scott buys flowers for no one... that's never gonna happen", and i didn't so much believe it myself, but....

7pm: just as eric and i finish star trek, and his in depth explanation of all the different series of it, scott comes in with a dozen roses for me!

sure, it was on a dare/keeping a 2 month old promise, but no one has EVER bought me flowers before for ANY reason, and by this point i was figuring it was all a joke form last semester... nonetheless... a few pictures

let it never be said that lara doesn't have good friends :-)

7:15pm: touched by the flowers, and (temporarily) done oohing and aahing over them (let's face it roses are beautiful and they smell really nice too :-P), we all got back to the movie

9:45pm, due to *some* distraction by lara making the movie get paused so she could ask ridiculous questions every 10-15 minutes (since i really do get confused by the plot quite a bit, as this was only my 2nd time ever to see each of the movies), we finished the movie in 2.5 hours instead of like 2.25... whatever, it was fun... and i finally *did* get to see "the one with kick-ass yoda and the light saber", which i had been asking about since episode 6 i think

10:15pm: that brings me to now... a bowl of soup later, i'm pretty content, and ready to go mind my own business and read for a bit (ah, time to read non-math... a fantastic leisure opportunity i haven't really had in *months*,... it's gonna take time to get used to again!)


meeting on campus with sam at noon to work a little more on our final project from experimental math last semester (which we turned in, but are curious if we can fix our code (it's a program in C) any better before we drop it completely)... otherwise homework... we're supposed to get 10-15 inches of snow between tomorrow afternoon and sunday morning... we'll see how this goes... i've got plenty to keep me busy for the being stuck in the house bit of the weekend :-P

and that's a wrap...

night y'all

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