Monday, March 27, 2006

dude, i've finally been sucked in...

... to the craziness that is myspace.

my brother's been yacking about it for months, but i figured, i'm on facebook, i have a blog (and i like it not just being out there for anyone who knows my name, so i'm fine with not having a myspace blog), but curiousity and other such reasons got the best of me today. (namely, there are friends and family who aren't on facebook because they didn't go to college or just because they prefer myspace, so myspace is a less "selective" networking space with more personalization options... or whatever that means).

summary: as of today, i'm on myspace too (click here for my profile), and if you're on myspace and i didn't manage to track down your profile, then you should add me as your friend. ;-P (and if you're not on myspace and were somehow inspired by this bizarre post, make sure to add me as your friend too :P)

the end.

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