Tuesday, March 28, 2006


the facts:

* two weeks ago sunday we had no hot water and it was 40 freakin degrees outside, hence no warm showers and freezing cold house.

* we tried to reset the water heater three times that morning but it kept shutting off.

* next step: call the landlord. colleen tried and got no answering machine, so we were out of luck for that

* next step: call the oil company to fix it. leigh called them and told them to come out and fix the darn heater.

* we never heard from the oil company that they did anything, but we had hot water later that day.

* just now, our landlord appeared at our front door all irritated. he just got a $150 bill for the service call, and said that we're not allowed to authorize service calls to the furnace without his permission. he wanted to know why he wasn't informed and why we couldn't have waited all day til monday. while he was chewing me out (since i answered the door), i ran off and got colleen (i made none of the calls... i was headed out for my maine trip with scott. colleen on the other hand could first-hand vouch that we actually tried to call him before we called for maintenance), and she at least calmed him down enough to go home and take care of it, rather than continuing to lecture us.

oh to not be a renter someday... in some ways it's nice... as if i could afford a real place and time/funds to do maintenance, but days like this, or when he makes it all the way to my room and chews me out for how much i have on the walls... oi...

the end.

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