Sunday, July 02, 2006

how much have YOU changed?

five years ago in June 2001....

1.How old were you?: 20

2.Where did you go to school?: Valparaiso University

3.Where did you work: I was an REU (research experience for undergrads) participant at Trinity University in San Antonio, TX

4.Where did you live ?: for summer 2001: san antonio, TX; permanent address: memphis, TN

5.Where did you hang out?: in the math building, the dorms, or downtown San Antonio

6.How was your hair style?: barely shoulder length, but often in crazy braids

7.Did you wear braces?: no

8.Did you wear glasses?: yes

9.Who were your best friends?: that summer, alexa, james, paul... in general kristin, heather, michelle, nicole, tammy, allison, jenny, jessica, brother

10.Who was your celebrity crush?: i honestly don't think i had one

11.Who was your regular-person crush? dude, that was obvious to the world at the time and doesn't need to be rehashed

12.How many tattoos did you have?: none

13.How many piercings did you have?: none

14.What car did you drive?: 1987 chevy nova

15.What was your favorite band/group?: probably newsboys or sonic flood

16.What were your biggest fears?: being alone

17.Had you smoked a cigarette yet?: no

18.Had you gotten drunk or high yet?: no

19.Had you driven yet?: yes, a lot

20.Had you been to a REAL party yet?: i avoid parties (seriously)

21. Had your heart broken?: no


-June 2006-

1.How old are you?: 25

2.Where do you go to school?: Rutgers University

3.Where do you work?: i run the Rutgers math REU (after experiencing an REU and other such fun myself, i was so motivated to want to make the best experience possible for other math people. :) )... we're in NJ for 3 more weeks and then i go to Prague for 2.5 weeks with half the students

4.Where do you live: central NJ

5.Where do you hang out?: my house, the math building, bookstores

6. What is your hairstyle? way longer than it should be, and way lighter than it used to be

7.Do you have braces? nope

8.Do you wear glasses? gave them up 2 years ago for contacts

9.Still talk to any of your old friends?: most of them

10.Who is your celebrity crush? still none

11.Who is your regular-person crush?: i recently decided i really really don't believe in love... for other people yes, for me no

12.How many tattoos?: none

13.How many piercings?: just ears

14.What kind of car do you have?: 2000 mitsubishi galant

15.What is your favorite band/group?: tammany hall NYC, snow patrol, johnny cash, coldplay

16.What is your biggest fear?: not getting a good job when i graduate

17.Have you smoked a cigarette yet?: no

18.Have you gotten drunk or high yet?: no

19.Had you driven yet?: yes, even more than before

20.Had you been to a REAL party yet?: i still avoid parties (seriously)

21. Had your heart broken?: minorly

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