Tuesday, October 12, 2004

tuesday rundown

summer job that involves paid for trip to prague? interview on monday, prospects looking good!

homework? did a lot of it today

scrubs? excellent episode... moral of the story today? things in life inevitably break down... when they do, be honest with yourself about it... and when your friends lives break down, find a way to help

unexpected adventure of the day? 8:30pm, driving home from dropping ben off back on campus when this dude is walking down the exit ramp i'm waiting to turn off of... most people refused to open their windows and see what he wanted, but turns out his car was having problems, he got out to check it, and locked his phone, keys, etc. in the car with it running.... i pulled around all the cloverleafs of the exit to come around again to a place where i could stop on the shoulder and let the kid use my phone (i'd put him at 16 or 17)... after no luck on trying 3 other numbers, at my suggestion he decides to call his mom, and gets it all figured out for her to come with the spare key (why this was the 4th call instead of the 1st, i'm not quite sure.)... anyhow, he kept thanking me over and over, whereas i'd just hope someone would do the same for me, so why should i think twice about it?

anyhow, done rambling... back to work... later dudes :-P

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