Thursday, July 21, 2005


what a day
9:30-5:30 on campus, most of that hearing undergraduate math talks... another REU visited today and we first heard their research talks (since they work in groups of 3 or 4 their 3 talks fit into about an hour)... they chatted with me and the math grad director about grad school... then they were supposed to hear half of my students present... only my 27 students work in groups of 1 or 2, so our presentations, although similar in length, fill up two full afternoons instead of an hour because there's more of them... the other REU made it through about 2/3 of our afternoon before deciding to go home... my students finished up and have another afternoon full of presentations tomorrow before our farewell dinner... woohoo :-P

after i got home and walked my 5 miles (i've now gone 193 since memorial day, and i just may make my goal of 200 before prague :-) ), i met up with eric, mason, and andrew... mason and andrew are budapest semester friends who stop by at random periodically... mason, for the past two years, takes temp jobs for a few months then travels cross country in his car and then repeats... andrew is on the extended undergrad plan for school... he's rotated between harvard, rutgers, and some community college never quite finishing up... he's originally from jersey, but is moving down to SC to share mason's apartment this fall when mason starts grad school at Univ. of S. Carolina... andrew will find a job hopefully down there... they're both crazy and make life entertaining when they're around... particularly when they're around at the same time.

anywyho 4 person BSM mini-reunion at fuddruckers, and then went to sam's new apartment down the street from me for the boys to drink and smoke and whatever... then scott eventually drove me home and read me a book... and now i'm supposedly going to crash.

here's to study abroad reunions? :-P

(picture taken in the tiled mirror in eric's kitchen)

the end.

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