Thursday, July 14, 2005

prague (the novel)

i *finally* finished prague by arthur phillips about an hour ago.

i commented randomly on it from time to time while i was reading, but i still don't have any definitive reaction to it... a lot of ambivilance.

the setting it what initially got me interested -- a bunch of american expats in budapest 15 years ago... not exactly the same budapest i grew to love 3 years ago, but enough the same that in a way it was like reading other people's stories of a place i too came to love.

on the other hand, to go deeper than surface level experiences, i think i need to let it gel a bit before i know if i really truly agree with the points that phillips is making.

often, when i read a book i enjoy, i have a deep feeling of satisfaction as i finish the last bit. i finished this book, and kind of just said to myself "hmmm".. i'm not quite sure yet if it was a hmmm of dissatisfaction or of needing to read it again before i decide.

to be sure, it's an interesting and intriguing read, and phillips does a fantastic job of weaving many different people and places and events together... i especially enjoyed part 2 of the book... parts 1,3,and 4 occur in budapest in 1990. part 2 introduces a new character that is in parts 3 and 4 by telling the story of 6 generations of his family, and thereby telling hungarian history of the past century and a half from an interesting perspective... *that* i majorly enjoyed.

anyhow, not for everybody, but if it sounds interesting, definitely give it a shot. you should find yourself entranced by phillips's writing style and the stories he tells... i'm just curious if everyone has the same feeling of "hmmmm" when they get to the end as i did :-P

the end.

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