Friday, September 09, 2005


i'm trying to figure out what exactly my role and authority as a teaching assistant is.

one of my roommates, who has taught for 2 summers here and was a ta both semesters last year has a general policy that you can take quizzes early, but not late, and that's what i planned to adhere to. only difference is, she writes her own quizzes, and my professor writes mine. fine.

one of my students showed me a note that she would miss next week's class and requested to take the quiz early, which i was fine with and willing to do. i asked the professor for the quiz early so that my student could take it, and he said no: that there would be no makeup quizzes early or late for security reasons. since A quiz is only 1% of a student's final grade, it shouldn't be a big deal.

so here i am, trying to be helpful to my student, and the prof has a contrary policy to what i said... i had to
(a) write an apology to the prof
(b) write an apology to the student and sound like i don't know what i'm doing

i like to try to make everyone happy (which never works, i know), so it makes me sad to have to do this.

on a happier note, since i'm saving gas by walking a mile to the bus and taking it to and from school this semester, when i got on the bus after class this morning, it was packed,... nonethless, immediately i hear from 5 people away "hey! aren't you my calculus TA?"... i can't remember the guy's name from yesterday at all (they met one of me, and i met 105 of them, but i think he was the 3rd person to turn in his quiz yesterday so i should be able to figure out his name when i get around to grading), but he was with a couple more of my students i recognized too (but don't know names of yet)... random to see them on the bus, good that they're not too scared of me to strike up a random conversation for 5 minutes. :P

oi... happy(?) weekend... there's too much math to do already.

later dudes.

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