Monday, September 19, 2005

it's official...

... i'm a walking junkie

not that going over 300 miles in the past 3-4 months isn't an indicator, but...

you know how you see these people jogging around in their little jogging suits, hooked up to headphones and who knows what all else... although i've been walking 5 miles a day for months now, i've not identified with them.

today though... i've suddenly (in the past 24 hours even) accumulated a lot of walking extras.

since i got back from europe, leigh got an iPod for free with points from her credit card. she kept commenting that if i was going out walking so much, i should give her a couple CDs i want on it, and take it when i go out... so last night i gave her the first copy of the crazy mix i put together on saturday, and tonight was the first night to go out, iPod in hand... so now i've got the tangled mess of cords blasting music while i'm out and about for an hour and a half...

besides that, memphis jenny, knowing i've been all about walking for a bit now, sent me a belated birthday present that came over the weekend: an Omron pedometer. today was the first day i fiddled with it. it's kinda cute... i'd never thought of owning one before, but since i go out walking so much it's gonna be fun to take statistics. so far today i went 12839 steps, but 9971 of those were from my 5 mile walk... i underestimated my stride length, so the distance travelled bit isn't accurate... then again i think my stride length is a little longer when i'm on my walk at night than when i'm wandering around the house or the math dept... who knows. i recalibrated, so maybe tomorrow will give a more accurate reading.

those first two things are gifts... the last one was me... i decided if i'm workimng them so hard, maybe i should be a little nicer to my feet, so now my shoes have new insoles too... and like the ridiculous people on TV, i, too, can now say i'm gellin like a fellon. :P (oi... i can't believe i just typed that.)

so yeah, especially now with all the gear to attach to myself while i'm out and about... i am officially a walking junkie.

completely unrelated, but it made me happy... so a large part of my diet is Dole salads... they're nice since i can buy a few bags a week and have different stuff in each without buying tons of heads of lettuce and misc other stuff... they have some good combinations of stuff. :)... anyhow, new flavor i found today (which isn't even listed on the website yet): "say cheese"... that's right, it's a bag of lettuce, with a separately sealed bag of shredded cheese inside for you to mix in. i was terribly amused. dole is my hero.

later dudes.

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