Wednesday, September 07, 2005

go me?

first day of teaching down, 3 months to go.

it actually went much better than anticipated. after panicking for awhile last night and chatting about my worries with eric for an hour last night on the phone, and then with ben on IM for an hour, i didn't sleep more than 4 hours and was jumpy this morning too... somehow, though, once i picked up the chalk and wrote my name on the board in each section i was fine.

apparently me holding chalk is an immediate calming influence, as between my 3 sections i was jumpy again, but as soon as i had chalk in my hand again and had something to write on the board i was ok again. go figure.

anyhow, it went much more smoothly than expected, and my students actually answered my questions too. we'll see how they did on their quizes when i get around to grading them.

ben had agreed to take me out to lunch if it went well, eric had offered to take me out to lunch if it went miserably, so either way i was covered, so ben and i hit up tgi fridays. my appetite is definitely much smaller than it used to be! i'm getting there... jared made some comment this afternoon about how ben and i both look like completely different people than a year ago (ben's lost 35 pounds in that time and maintained it as his new ideal weight... i've lost between 40 and 45 now, and the goal is still 100)... jared says he can picture me next year being "like one of those anorexic-looking girls who everyone wants to feed all the time b/c they're so freaking skinny"... whatever that means. skinny and lara are generally not words that go together in my mind. my goal is just to hit the top of the healthy BMI range for my height, so we'll see... my weight hasn't been what my goal is since 6th or 7th grade, and i was definitely shorter than too.... so whenever i hit it, i definitely won't look at all how i did ever before... whatever that means.

my landlord has been banging around the attic for half an hour making lots of noise... i think he just vacuumed the stairs that run along the back of the house to get up to the attic and down to the basement... we sure haven't swept them in the past year... in fact, sometimes when i'm lazy, i sweep the floors and sweep the dust all into that stairwell and close the door again (don't tell). i hope when i head out on my walk in a bit that he doesn't holler at me about it... we'll see.

apparently people are playing euchre at my house tonight... i haven't played in ages... i won't be back from my walk until at least half an hour after they start though, so who knows if there will be a table for me to get in on or not.

i think that's all the random things i have worth mentioning this go around... time to get a move on and get in my 5 miles of the day. :P later dudes!

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