Wednesday, February 04, 2004

analysis misery

dude, i completely have lost my concentration and the semester's barely started... this can't be good.

yesterday after my morning full of classes, leigh called me to see if i wanted to work at starbucks... i, of course, will never turn down the opportunity to work in a place that smells of coffee, especilly if its name is starbucks. =)

so colleen, leigh, and me worked for 2-3 hours, and then we all went home... upon getting home, i putzed around and watched TV for a bit, then talked to my brother for an hour and a half on the phone, then watched TV a bit more, then found other stuff to do... a whole 6 hours later, i started back on my work... until i fell asleep, and that left me with a little over an hour left to do this morning before my class later this afternoon... maaan...

slightly annoyed b/c i want to finish laundry before class too and i have 2 loads of clothes to dry, but someone else has stuff in 3/4 of the dryers in the laundry room i started my stuff in... joy.

it was fun to talk to brother last night... apparently the family has 2 baby goats and 2 baby tortoises born this week... dad has a new boss named bob sushi, which just sounds funny... and brother just makes me laugh.

anyhow, done rambling, off to attack someone's laundry so i can dry mine!

heh heh heh

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