Monday, February 16, 2004

day #3 of the grand parent adventure

dude... i am too tired for words.

got up and left by 9:30 this morning to pick up the parents for church (normally i make it outta here just a hair before 10)... church, lunch, checking out every square inch of a bird shop dad spotted on the way too lunch, and driving through all the rutgers campuses later, i gave them a tour of the math building and then we went to barnes and noble for half an hour.

the weiss's had us over for dinner... we got in around 4, visited while she finished dinner, and then proceeded on a 6 course 3.5 hour dinner extravaganza which was fantastic... around 9:15 my parents decided they were tired and it was time to drive the half an hour back to my end of the world... i dropped them off at their hotel, got home for the first time all day at 10pm, was home for 10 minutes and then headed to campus to work on tuesdays algebra homework with the people until nearly 1... now home, exhausted, and i see the parents off tomorrow..

it's been a fun weekend... cool to show them my lifestyle and all my people here, but exhausting running around and not doing my homework (so it'll be an exhausting week in general)... fun to visit with mom despite her intense head cold, and trying my patience to listen to all of dad's fussiness and questions (whose answers he forgets or twists and reasks about later) but on the whole it's been an excellent visit.

back to barnes and noble earlier... i got 2 books... super excited about 1... it's the new top of my reading list... things a computer scientist rarely talks about by donald knuth... if you're unfamiliar, knuth is (a) practically the most famous computer scientist ever and (b) a lutheran organist... this book is about what computer intelligence, randomization, etc. tells us about the divine... he wrote a multivolume book called the art of computer programming that is basically like the Bible of computer science... so not only is this an interesting topic, it's written by like the well respected powerhouse of the field. i'm excited to read it... he's written another book called "3:16" or something along that line... this is instead the transcript of a series of lectures he gave 5 years ago on the same topic... should be very cool indeed.

at any rate, that's pretty much the scoop.

gotta be up early tomorrow to entertain the parents before i take them to the train station to go home tomorrow... duuude... at any rate, night all

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