Monday, February 23, 2004

a party of an afternoon

so, despite only solving 1 math problem today (and yes i worked pretty much all afternoon... really), it was a good day.

scott's birthday was yesterday and he had said he was all about seeing the movie "miracle" about the 1980 u.s. hockey team since he was born during their match against ussr. we agreed to catch a 6:50 showing, and colleen (whose birthday it was today), came too! it was quality and i rather enjoyed it. from what i had heard from others they hired actual amateur hockey players for the cast, and during the game they mixed footage of their actors along with actual clips from the televised game... it was quality.

as soon as the movie was done and i had brought colleen and scott back to campus, i called eric to see if he was still up for a csilag buli (star party) since it was extremely clear out tonight... so without actually leaving campus, i just waited a few, and took him with me to my place, grabbed a quick dinner, and then we loaded up my telescope and we were off... saw saturn, jupiter, several of the stars in taurus including aldeberan, a few of the stars of cassiopeia, a double cluster between cassiopeia and perseus, and the M42 nebula all with the telescope... also did some unaided constellation finding and figured out where leo is for the first time. it was pretty cool... especially the double cluster and the nebula since those were both new.

after we finished with stargazing we brought my telescope back and then i drove eric back to campus. now, i wish the fun would continue... but

(1) couldn't find a single parking space at my freaking apartment complex... like the whole place is full... had to park down the road a ways and hope i can remember where i left my car in the morning... blah. i don't pay what i do to live here and then not be able to park even in the vicinity... dude.

(2) the roommate got home while eric and i were stargazing... in fact, we passed her coming in the driveway as we were going out... her current away message reads "outrageous electricity bills make me want to scream and never use the heater again"... have to laugh a little because my mom's comment earlier was "it's winter... no matter what you do to 'save power', unless you just turn everything off, it's going to cost more... i don't know how you seem to have a more realistic expectation of such things than amanda, but apparently you do"... i did nothing but live here and exist, i've tried to help conserve energy, but somehow i have a feeling i'm getting an earful at some point in the next few days... blah.

(3) i can't for the life of me figure out my last graph theory problem... this is frustrating because there's only so many ways i can turn the problem around in my head and i've spent so much time on that assignment this weekend that i haven't even looked at the problems for the other two assignments due this week... oops.

oh well... the stresses of a week full of classes, a spendthrift roommate, and an overcrowded apartment complex continue, but at least i had a good day. =P


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