Saturday, February 28, 2004

chalk one up for productivity

dude, i'm good today.

called the car place yesterday and got an oil change appointment for today... that's done with.

called the family to discuss changing doctors issues, then called and got an eye appointment for tuesday.

these aren't that significant of things to do, until you take into account the fact that i hate calling people i don't know and i have to "rehearse" even asking "hi, i'd like to make an eye exam appointment, when's your earliest opening?" like 2 dozen times before i call. i'm weird, i know...

but 2 phone calls to businesses in less than 24 hours, i'm proud of me. =)

and hey, maybe tuesday afternoon i'll actually have contacts again.

(footnote: this recent obsession with contacts is 2-fold... (a) i'm getting tired of my glasses, (b) even if i weren't the anti-reflective coating on my lenses right now has scratched off in weird patterns making it so i have a smudge i can't get rid of in front of each eye... i'm annoyed and need new lenses at the very least anyhow... just doing shopkeeping that needs to be done... joy)

that's it. gotta get some work done.


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