Tuesday, February 10, 2004


so it's one thing to pull an allnighter or close to it on account of fun... it's another to do so on account of homework you didn't plan to take that long... the thing is, i've had all my graph theory homework solved since this afternoon... for that class though the prof's requiring us to turn in our homework in TeX... it would seem if you know what to do and what you need to write down, this shouldn't be a big deal... try again... TeX is a math typesetting program that is pretty straightforward, but if you haven't used it in awhile (i haven't since early november) you spend a LOT of time looking up commands and if you're really tired (like i am tonight) you make a lot of typeos in the type up and have to go through and keep debugging... this is a PAIN!

about halfway done... prospects for sleep not looking so good...

then again, on the other hand, for "listening" to my gripe of the evening, here's something fun =P... crazy cow story here: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4200577/ enjoy! =P

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