Thursday, February 05, 2004

yay for friends =)

dude, so today got off to a slow start... last night scott agreed to go stargazing at like 1:30... i got back home between 2:30 and 3... to sleep between 3:30 and 4... had some crazy dreams and then had to be up at 10 to get ready for class...

my goal for today was to be on time for lie groups and pay attention... succeeded at point 1, and at point 2, but the 2nd part wasn't that hard... dr. woodward's daughter had a fever and he had to go pick her up from daycare, so minh did a presentation he was supposed to give and we left after 30-40 minutes... dude... on the other hand, i finally got the textbook for the class... i think i'm the first person to have it... there were literally no more copies in the states, so i had to have it shipped from germany.

so dude, got back home, groaned at the thought of homework, but two spiffy things to make my day:

(1) got a thank you from jessica for the birthday present i gave her last weekend... quote: "it's cute, clever, and fun (could i be talking about you, too?)" =) made me smile. =)

(2) got an unexpected long email from a friend who i've more or less been in touch with, but we've kinda been gradually drifting apart for the past year and a half to two years... it wasn't even a "hi, how are you? here's the gloss on what's going on in my life" note... it was a long, "hi, how are you? i'm sorry that i've let other things get in the way of us being as close as we were... i can't make up for lost time, but i want to work harder at really being in touch" very detailed kind of thing... quote: "I am so thankful to Him [God] for you and that you are true to yourself. Whether you know it or not, God has used you tremendously in my life to show me countless things, and I am so so so thankful for you."...made me cry a little, but like good tears if that even makes sense... yeah, was good.

so yeah,... major yay for friends... =)... the end.

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