Friday, February 06, 2004


i don't know what my problem is lately, but i've been weird...

last weekend, i was in a bad mood, so justifiably, i skipped out on hanging with the people... did various stuff with different ones of them all week, then last night mason came into town, i was done with homework, and knew they were all getting together for dinner and cards and yet opted to stay put just so i didn't have to get cold between my place and my car... wimpy and dumb reason.

today, had fun with the people, had algebra, graph theory, pizza seminar, and now i'm home,... mason came with me to all 3 classes and now he's w/ eric in number theory seminar...

anyhow, last night i skipped out, because i was too lazy to leave.

today, in algebra, we turned in our first homework set -- 5 problems... he started shuffling through papers and randomly calling people up to show their solutions on the board and for some reason i just really didn't want to, so before he called the 2nd person at random, i left like i needed to use the bathroom or get a drink or something, and kinda just stayed in the hall for 15 minutes and waited until he was just about to call someone for the last problem before returning... i can get away with that this once, but i can't make a regular habit of it... oops.

(scott, on the other hand, also skipped out for comparably long to go get a book from the library! mason commented after class "what just happened in there? does that room have a seating capacity of one less person than the number of people in class? that was so bizarre!")

so that's escape #2 in the last 24 hours.

and escape #3 is already planned! one of the like 5th year students is having a "soiree" tonight... (1) i'm not feeling all that up for mingling where i only know a small percentage of the people, (2) i'm a little scared of the guy throwing the thing, (3) going to be up early... instead i have dinner and a movie plans with leigh later, but yeah, dude... i'm being antisocial lately...


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