Sunday, December 05, 2004

fun with java

up to this point, my experimental math class has involved programming in maple (a language/program used for math computations)

however, last week, lucky me, i worked on some stuff outside of class and got a cool result... see here: on my professor's website, and suddenly my final project for the class was changed.

the problem we want to solve grows exponentially in complexity, (i.e. trying to get output for just slightly bigger input numbers can take TONS longer than just smaller numbers), and maple is no good for it.

my final project? translate the maple program we wrote in class into java (or C++) and see if i can get any better (and quicker) results that way.

you know how long it's been since i've written in java? 3 freakin years... i'm getting back into it, but having looked at it yesterday for the first time in that long, it's not quite as smooth as programming in maple is these days for me... :-P

you know what else i've realized? how much more i talk out loud to myself when i'm programming in non-maple to follow my programming logic...

seriously, when working in maple, i can be blasting music and singing along, and be fine... when working in java, i turn down the music so i can think, and read the code out loud to myself so as to pay attention to what's going on... why is this?

oh joy oh joy :-P later dudes...

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