Wednesday, December 22, 2004

minor drama


in my memphis house, my room and the attic are the entire 2nd floor. seriously. you go up the stairs, and no landing, no hallway, no door, you're just in my room.

the room at the bottom of the stairs has been for years now the bird room... currently there are 3 cockatoos (2 belonging to my parents, 1 visiting while his family is out of town), a macaw, and a miscellane of other smaller birds

to get to my room at night, i have to walk across the bird room in the dark to the stairs, and then i'm home free... usually this isn't a problem...

last night:

dad warned me to be super quiet going to my room last night especially as he just put a pair of doves and their new baby in there yesterday to protect them all from the cold, and the birds who haven't been in there before when i'm home won't expect anyone running through

by the time i got home already though, the bird room lights were already out for the night and i needed to at least bring *some* of my stuff to my room before i went to sleep (e.g. i always bring home my favorite pillow and a warm blanket since when you come home twice a year, things you leave in your room for yourself have a tendency of disappearing while you're gone)

the drama:

so i'm ready for bed, and heading to my room as quietly as humanly possible, with my blanket and pillow in tow... seriously no sound except my feet, and the previous trip upstairs with my suitcase didn't scare the birds at all, so why should this one?

apparently, birds didn't like the color of my blanket, and thus, as i tiptoed through the room, the doves i was warned about FREAKED out and started flying repeatedly into the walls of their cage... two of the cockatoos decided that that (2:30am) would be an optimal time to freak out as well... so i quickly got out of there and dashed to my room and for half an hour listened to the darn cockatoos screaming and the doves flying around....

i hope i didn't inadvertently kill any of them, but seriously... i was carrying a blanket to my room to keep me warm for the night... i was being insanely quiet... how was i to avert *that* one?...

oh the joy of being back on the mini-farm

later dudes.

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