Thursday, February 24, 2005

apprentice, week whatever the heck we're on

tara, tara, tara... it was all you, all the time as long as it was a good idea, until you lose, and then it's not your fault at all. doht. the choice was clear this time, and i was glad for magna that they won... the portrait prize was pretty cool too... my favorite line of the evening was "and here's bren, looking like a stunt double for orville redenbacher..." heh :-P

my commentaries on that are getting shorter as the weeks go on...

in other news, lots of snow outside... i get to dig my car out bright and early in the morning too... woohoo... (we've gotten several inches in the past 6+ hours... it was coming down really hard earlier when eric and i went out to get pizza..... i meant to answer the door with "lara's pizza buddy finding service, how may i help you?", but instead "lara's pizza butter" followed by laughter came out instead, which cracked us both up for a bit... i'm so retarded sometimes :-P)

other thought on my mind right now is advisor-graduate student relationships. my advisor has 2 older graduate students getting close to finishing up: vince and mohamud. i'm learning what vince works on so that i can generate data with the computer for him while i learn, and eventually extend his work on my own once i have a better feel for the area. vince, however, is not someone i've been around much... sam and scott see him at the bar frequently, but my relationship with vince is one of saying hi in passing on occasion and that's about it. on the other hand, zeilberger picked vince, and he picked me and since i'm trying to learn what vince does, that suddenly means vince and i must work together at least a little too. other than having the same advisor, and the same topic, which he knows tons more about than me, we have not much in common, and yet now, this semester, he's my new contact.... funny how it all works.

that's about it... lots to do and little time this weekend as always. first, time for sleep :-P

night y'all.

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