Wednesday, February 23, 2005

the first-hand account

(via my aunt in pittsburgh) (because my grandma's surgery is oh so exciting for those of you who don't know me) (roy = my step-gpa) (to review, my grandma's left side has been paralyzed for over 4 years now and she had her left leg amputated yesterday (complications of diabetes/and not being able to move it for years))

Gma's surgery was a trip for her...
Due to history of heart problems and her diabetes, she had to remain awake (albeit drugged up sufficiently) during the surgery. That news kind of frightened her and we had to calm her down - this was about 5 minutes before they whisked her away... She seemed to enjoy scripture being read to her. Gma was groggy more so than they thought she should be so she was being closely monitored during the evening and should be moving to a normal room sometime today - I'll see her this evening.

She seemed relieved it was over, a bit confused, and is still convinced she can move her left side and just needs a little help to walk to the bathroom instead of having to use a bed pan... She got a little angry at me for not 'helping' her to go to the bathroom. She also had emotion swings, but that is to be expected after surgery, crying when she first saw us and saying she didn't want Roy to see her that way, and things like that.

Roy was somber most of the day, but really lightened up after she got out of recovery. He was 'singing' little made-up songs to her while she was getting situated in her room - this made her smile... It was quite cute...

That's about it now. Just HUGE relief that the operation is over - there is recovery to go through now.

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