Sunday, February 27, 2005

do dah

yesterday: homework all day and half the evening, movie at night.

things are kinda backwards with me: i joke all the time with colleen and leigh that they don't like me anymore and that's why there's always studying everywhere... truth is, i really like it when i have the house to myself all day; i just wish i had company at night... yesterday, for example, i purposely stayed in my room in bed (albeit awake) until everyone left the house around 12:30 (in the afternoon)... i was home alone doing laundry, homework, and other such fun until 9pm... then i headed over to eric's house to have some company

at some point in the past week, it came up that he'd never seen the movie "pleasantville"... it's just one of those movies i think is really good and by default assume everyone has seen even if i know that's not true... especially since i thought eric would love the philosophy of it, i even more just assumed he had seen it, but nope... so we played a game of pool (in which i succeeded in not hitting a single ball in), then watched the movie, then played another game of pool (in which i started out with two brilliant shots, and then got only one more in after that, but still a grand improvement from the first game ;-)), and then around 12:30 (at night), i went home, and returned to a house of colleen, leigh, erin, and kenny all wondering where i could have disappeared to... heh.

jared quote of the night: (he tried to help me out some on the first pool game and was chatting with us before the movie)
(as eric and i are setting up the TV, etc. to watch)
jared: it's too bright in here for a movie, shall i get the lights?
me: that would be great
jared: that's better (turns out half the lights in the basement)... shall i hit them all and make it all dark and romantic down here?
eric and me (just about in unison): how about dark and UN-romantic
jared: ok, ok, i'll just come back down here later in my underwear and eat fried sausages for your viewing pleasure... that's sure to kill anything that goes on down here

gotta get ready for church... later dudes :-P

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