Monday, February 14, 2005

the longest day ever

at least of grad school. i was in class straight from 9:50am til 5:30pm... that's nearly 8 hours straight of sitting still and listening to 5 different people talk about all kinds of crazy stuff.

but lara, you say, you're a math grad student, listening to people talk about math and doing homework is like... your job.

true, but sitting still listening to math for 8 hours is extremely excessive, even for a math person. 2 classes in one day is plenty, not to mention... FIVE

our washing maching is finally fixed... it was broken for 2 months.... i can now wash my clothes (a) without the use of a sink and lots of time scrubbing and wringing by hand and (b) without going over to the boys' house and paying by giving sam or scott a ride somewhere in return (not that option b was bad, it's just nice to be able to wash clothes at home)

i am exhausted and brain dead and have sooo much to do this week. i think mike felt bad for me when i was detailing my week while he was copying my notes earlier today,... we're working together on homework tomorrow... i halfway wonder if it's partly because the prof handed my homework to him on accident this morning to... out of 8 problems on the last assignment, i got 0 credit on 5 of them... mike claims he didn't see my score, but i'm not sure if he's being honest or being nice.... nonetheless, when i say i feel dumb, i'm not exaggerating... i really DO feel dumb, and just "oh you're the smartest math person *i* know" getting said a lot doesn't make it all better :-P

i think that's true of most people here (feeling behind, overwhelmed, and un-smart a lot of the time), but still... company in feeling dumb doesn't make us feel less dumb either :-P

i got a credit card offer today that came with the deal that "the enclosed check is your money to keep never to pay back... investigate the check... $3.25... ooooh, i'm rich now... whatver... i need better incentive than that :-P

oh, and p.s.... if someone tells you that they're frustrated with you, dropping off the face of the earth (or only talking to their friends and not to them about it) for over two weeks is NOT a good solution.

i think my rant is done.

dinner time.

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