Friday, February 18, 2005


got the following email today from my aunt in pittsburgh re: my grandma (who has been in a nursing home since she had a series of strokes in august of 2000)... in general she's been alert, and although her speech is slurred, can have short conversations, and is in tune with what's going on around her, although she does get flustered and tired from time to time... so this email makes me worry...


Just so you know - mom is scheduled for surgery on Tuesday. Exact time will not be known until Monday evening. I will be at the hospital during surgery. They will be amputating her leg from below the knee, but there always is the chance that they may need to go further up to find good blood flow.

When I saw mom on Sunday, she was pretty much out-of-it. Roy says she's been such for a few weeks now, with an occasional smile, but mostly acting as if she is oblivious to us being there.

I'll let you know more when I know more.

Love to you all.


i also don't like long weeks and i don't like it when i don't feel like people are being totally straightfoward with me, and i don't like people who are arrogant.

i think that blankets everything on my mind for now.


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