Sunday, February 12, 2006

did you know?

highlights from

lara is a 4
lara is so cool
lara is a star
lara is back for more
lara is class apart
lara is
lara is certain of being able to break many world athletic records and so sees no challenge in this herself
lara is here to sizzle
lara is going insaaaannnee
lara is dead
lara is in rome
lara is a beautiful and intelligent lady
lara is a peace corps volunteer on assignment in zambia
lara is looking
lara is missing in one of these above
lara is tough
lara is the most talented left handed batsman without a doubt but lacks sachin's consistency
lara is further proof that she is too much a force of nature to be contained within the game world
lara is great
lara is a national organization whose missions include the representation of luftwaffe aircrew at historical displays
lara is seen running through the air
lara is a now a bona fide hollywood star
lara is automatically designated a wesbrook scholar
lara is about to bungee ballet
lara is out of touch with his fearless batting technique
lara is an intelligent
lara is into guys with a good sense of humor and likes them to be friendly and natural
lara is number 9 on the list
lara is here to stay
lara is out there
lara is hunting a demon she released
lara is an enterprising
lara is hot
lara is still the best man we have'
lara is facing exactly north
lara is gonna be mean
lara is enabling a new generation of innovative applications
lara is sitting aboard a british airways airliner on the way to cairo
lara is a beautiful woman that can jump
lara is a prime example of this ideal
lara is now in kindergarten and she loves school
lara is currently accepting new training horses in anticipation of her new inside barn
lara is set to begin her acting career not in bollywood but in hollywood
lara is already engaged in
lara is in fact surrounded by a colourful band of friends
lara is contacted by a woman who is frighteningly well informed about her expedition to the tomb of qualopec
lara is deemed unfit to play for reasons of health
lara is synthetic does not lessen her appeal
lara is a joy


1 comment:

~ruthie said...

i did this a while back, but never posted. now i should! :) i'm cathing up on your postings.