Sunday, February 05, 2006

how about them STEELERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

happy things lately?

* yay steelers! 21-10 makes me happy. if it had been a less than 7 point game, seattle fans would have reason to be really bitter after big ben's seriously fraction of an inch touchdown in the first half, but alas, they made their screwups too, and the steelers won by more than just that. for the first time in my memory, all is well in the football world! (the last time the steelers won the super bowl was before i paid attention to football, even though i existed :P)

* brother called earlier to tell me...
brother: "hey la, guess what!"
me: "the steelers are winning?"
brother: "well, yeah, but also... BABY!!!!!!"
me: "baby what?"
brother: "baby llama!... it's little and white"
me: "ooh! what do you call it? can you call it angel?"
brother: "no, it's a baby boy llama, that's a bad name."
me: "how about snowball?"
brother: "dude, it's a BOY llama"
me: "ok, blizzard"
brother: "we'll get back to you on it... it's cute though, and i thought you should know."

* i might have a fun story about a boy later in the week... keep your fingers crossed... we'll see. :P

* i've been telling people all week if the steelers lose, my exam is hopeless; if they win, they i've got a chance... now just to pass the freakin exam 10 days from tomorrow morning and we'll be in business. :)

now, after that interlude of fun... back to math for a week and a half.

later dudes.

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