Friday, February 10, 2006

still breathing....

so i just met for half an hour with diane... she asked me a few easy questions that i knew right off the bat and one that completely threw me for a loop, but she asked me easier questions until i figured it out step by step.

overall, i'd say it was a positive meeting... she didn't ask anything that i just *couldn't* say anything about...

at least now, i have a more decent idea of what's to be expected next thursday from her.... i need to meet with dr. z. too to get an idea from him of what he'll ask.

mostly, i need to calm down. i was incredibly nervous going in to talk to diane and she's incredibly non-intimidating. my heart was pounding the whole time i was in her office, and i needed to walk a couple laps around my floor of the building to calm down afterwards and it wasn't even a scary meeting!

my advisor should be nice, and one of the other profs is guaranteed to be too... but the 4th one, although in the context of other combo profs he's known to be really easy, could potentially be scary to me.

6 days from now, i'm gonna totally be a trainwreck... but 7 days from now, i'm home free... wouldn't it be nice if life had fast forward so you could just skip the scary stuff?

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