Wednesday, February 01, 2006


... is what i've been doing all week long when not on campus:

writing math on the wall-sized mirror in our dining room in dry erase marker. (since that's the closest i have to a chalkboard without leaving the house).

i think it's turning out to be a pretty effective study method. i read in my room for awhile, and then to test myself, i leave the book behind and try to write it all on the mirror how i would to explain it to a class or in a talk (but (usually) without talking to myself out loud about it). trying to write it out nicely tests if i remember the details well... and leaving what i write up for at least 24 hours means i see it when i come home, when i'm eating breakfast, and whenever i go through that room so i can kinda quiz myself off the wall to make things sink in better... i *think* it's working at least... we'll see if it's really as effective as i think it is in 2 weeks.

however, at the very least, this:

is a decent chunk of what i figured out today -- isn't a wall full of math, at the very least, aesthetically pleasing?

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