Thursday, February 09, 2006

math, math, and more math

friday's usually my "empty day"... tomorrow is different:
10:20am -- meet with ian so he can explain probabilistic upper bounds on ramsey numbers to me
1pm -- meet with diane (one of the profs on my exam committee) to make sure the depth of knowledge i assume is sufficient for next week's exam is at least as good as the depth of questions she plans to ask
1:40pm -- pizza seminar if i'm done with diane in time
3pm -- meet with ben so he can explain gaussian quadrature to me

busy and full of math... fun, fun...

new topic:
here's a hint for any undergrads out there:
even if you have a generally friendly TA, if you
(a) make an appointment to meet with them and then don't show up, and
(b) don't apologize for part a, and
(c) then request for another meeting with said TA DURING the time of the office hours of the professor
the TA will probably not be quite so willing to help out.

on mondays i don't need to be on campus after 1:20 when i get out of class. 2 weeks ago a student asked to come visit me to discuss homework and showed up... last week same student requested the same time slot, i waited for 30 minutes and they didn't show up, AND didn't apologize or anything for it.... this week, same student requested an appointment again, and i wrote back that i have a prior engagement, but would be glad to answer questions via email, and reminded them that the prof has office hours right then too, so they have plenty of options... as for me, 3 days before my exam i should either be studying, or i'm thinking i'll try to meet with dr. z. then. when i already have 2 days a week that i sit in my office for office hours, and the prof is available on a third day besides that, if you don't respect my time, you're not guaranteed to get a time slot in my schedule. post exam, i'll be willing to let them make extra appointments again, but summary:
if you don't show respect for my time, i'm not going out of my way to make extra favors for you.


later dudes.

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