Tuesday, December 02, 2003

and then the people rejoiced!!!!

.... rejoiced indeed because maybe lara's not quite as dumb as she's been convinced she is lately... =P

background: analysis is my worst class... i just have a harder time seeing solutions in there than in other classes... no one else in the class, including the people who generally do quite brilliantly on it, had figured out the last problem on tomorrow's homework, until... just now:

me: hey sam, did you ever get 1 < a < 2 for the last analysis problem?
me: i have an idea, and i've convinced leigh, but we want to run it by at least one more person before we write it up
sam: no, i never got it.
sam: what's up?
me: look here: (insert random link) and tell me what you think
me: i figured scanning scratch paper is easier than typing integrals and stuff in IM =P
sam: definitely
sam: john and i think this works!
me: awesome!
me: i did part of an analysis problem!
me: (personal victory of the semester =) )
sam: very nice
me: ok, so we have it
me: now to write that problem up and then back to algebra and complex... joy
me: thanks for looking that over
me: ttyl
sam: bye

do freakin dah

back to work

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