Sunday, December 28, 2003

az ocsem

add some accents and the title gives you "my little brother" in hungarian (surprise surprise)... go figure =P

movie of the day? runaway jury... wanted to see it in NJ this fall but never convinced anyone else they wanted to see it too... nice thing about being in memphis for a bit is one of the two theaters within 5 minutes of my house is a "$2 theater" meaning all tickets are $2/person no matter what time you go and they show all the movies that are done in all the other theaters... fun times.

so brother and i saw runaway jury tonight... i figured i had read the book for a class last spring and i like john cusack's movies usually so it should be fun... on a very general level the movie followed the book but for many many details not so much... nonetheless it was a quality film, and woulda been worth standard movie ticket prices had i seen it a few months ago too.

ran into bill maclin on the way out -- he used to go to our memphis church and hadn't seen him in years (he's like my parents age). small world i guess. =P

then, brother and me went on a sonic run (three cheers for drive in restaurants and cherry limeades indeed!) and listening to my new elvis CD jessica gave me yesterday.... brother and me belted along the whole way... to "how do you know all these so good?" his response was "well, it's not so hard when you wake up every sunday to george klein's elvis hour" dude.... my brother is a nut.

the end.

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