Wednesday, December 03, 2003


15 = cumulative hours of sleep since saturday
24 = number of math problems i've solved between saturday and now (7 complex analysis, 5 real analysis, and 9 algebra)
15 = number of math problems i need to solve in the next 48 hours (10 complex analysis, and 5 algebra)

and yeah....
this about sums it up:
lkp 42 42 42: i'm going to spontaneously explode and you're not
davrbeagle: but you solved that analysis problem
lkp 42 42 42: and then found out i didn't and then resolved it
davrbeagle: well, that's good
lkp 42 42 42: indeed
davrbeagle: so why are you going to spontaneously excplode?
lkp 42 42 42: because i have slept a total of 15 hours since saturday
davrbeagle: oh
davrbeagle: that'd do it
lkp 42 42 42: and i have more work to do in the next two days than i've accomplished since saturday mostly working nonstop
davrbeagle: that sounds like lots of fun
lkp 42 42 42: and that's not counting the class i'm 62 problems behind on
lkp 42 42 42: so after friday i still have a ton of junk to do
davrbeagle: sounds like you'll at least be kept out of trouble
lkp 42 42 42: i'm never in trouble
davrbeagle: because you never get caught
lkp 42 42 42: but this makes me more prone to caffeine drinking spurts
lkp 42 42 42: which makes me crazy and in trouble
davrbeagle: ah, true
lkp 42 42 42: 2nd worst caffeine high of the year was night before last
lkp 42 42 42: the people laughed a lot
davrbeagle: at least you still bring amusement wherever you go
lkp 42 42 42: i know but that's not always good
davrbeagle: why not?
lkp 42 42 42: because sometimes that means i'm bringing amusement becauise i'm not in control of myself (i.e. high on caffeine)
lkp 42 42 42: and that's not good
davrbeagle: oh, ok. I can see how that would be bad
lkp 42 42 42: after a caffeine high i remember the previous day only vaguely and have a horrible headache the next day
lkp 42 42 42: it's kinda like some people on a hangover after drinking alcohol
lkp 42 42 42: i have a caffeine blackout after enough caffeine
davrbeagle: wow
lkp 42 42 42: yeah
davrbeagle: and you keep having that much of it?
lkp 42 42 42: the people laugh and wonder why it affects me so drastically
lkp 42 42 42: well, i did one of these in septemer and one this week
lkp 42 42 42: i just get a starbucks or something... am still working later and like a 20oz coke sounds good
lkp 42 42 42: then maybe get something else even later
lkp 42 42 42: and all the sudden out of nowhere i'm typing like 160 word per minute and bouncing so that i can't sit still enough to work and telling everyone else they look lethargic
lkp 42 42 42: and just completely off the wall
lkp 42 42 42: you can pinpoint the 5 minute time period where it kicks in
lkp 42 42 42: and i just accelerate from there for awhile until i crash and feel like crap in the AM

kinda makes you wish you were me, eh? i'm fired. =P

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