Saturday, December 06, 2003

in denial

dude, i certainly must be... here it is 4am, on a night when i have no good reason to be up this late at all, yet nevertheless i am, having made an evening of listening to mannheim steamroller CDs and writing cards, now instead of going to sleep, i just filled out an online handwriting analysis just for kicks... highlights include: (bold is their comments, italics is my response)

Regarding letter size... you clicked "Very large". This implies that you have a driving need for social interaction. I would guess you're right at home at a party... as a matter of fact... let's face it, you're the LIFE of the party. People with very large handwriting are also able to juggle several things at the same time, but often get bored if they have to focus on one task too long.

well, kinda. i like people, i like having lots of friends, and think they're all super cool, but i'm much more at home minding my own business. that last comment on juggling things is very true though. =P

Concerning the letter slant of your sample (slant reveals emotional outlay)... you chose "Midway between vertical and hard right-slant". Your emotional outlay is exactly halfway between an introvert and an extrovert. So, you have the best of both worlds: the ability to think logically and make hard decisions and at the same time you can still be very emotional... which means that you can spend time and get along with both types of people.

dude, that's great... the brain persuasion test i took last week said i was a toss up between left and right brain thinker too... i'm just nuts i think =P... i think it's hilarious that most people i've had this discussion with automatically say i'm an extrovert when i very much consider myself an introvert... go figure

Looking at the letter "i", you chose "The dot is close to and directly above the stem". Dotting your "i" so close to the stem tells me you have a great eye for detail and a keen memory, too. I bet you never forget what people say to you and can recall it years later, especially..(blah blah blah)...

sometimes yes, and other times i'm the most oblivious person on earth =P

Oh boy... the letter "o"... this is a very insightful letter. When you picked "Exit loops on the right side", that told me you can be VERY secretive. As a matter of fact, the larger your inner loop, the more you tend to avoid giving complete and straight answers. You won't lie, but you won't just spout off information freely either. Your best defense is to answer questions with questions... "Would I say that?"

dude, not exactly that, but yeah... i think what most people get of me is real, but not at all what i consider "real" me. often i think when i come across as the most hyper and out of control is when i'm the most honestly bummed and/or frustrated about things (but not always!) or i come across as more quiet and reserved when i'm most content (but again not always). this habit of projecting the opposite makes me really hard to actually crack into i think, and only a few people ever are good at it. again, pretty sure i'm just nuts. =P

This is a great quality, because when I asked about the slant of the humps in the letters "m" and "n"... you clicked on "Downhill slant". This tells me that you can be very diplomatic in difficult situations. Diplomacy indicates that you can say things in a way that will not offend others.

dude, and this also means i obsess over every word i'm going to say about anything halfway serious.... maybe that's why i come across as insanely silly so much of the time... then i don't have to overanalyze every word before i say it. doht. =P

Excellent characteristic!!! When I asked about the shape of the tops of the humps in the letters "m" and "n", you chose "Vary between rounded and pointed". This is the best of both kind of thinkers. You can process information both in a cumulative/procedural fashion and also in a comprehensive/fast fashion. This means that you can adapt to the people around you. If you're with a slow talker, you can slow down and explain every detail. If you're talking to someone who only wants the "bottom-line", big picture facts, you can speed up your thinking.

maybe... but if this is true, again it means i'm just all mixed up and not decisively one thing or the other again! =P

This is an important trait! When I asked you how high the t-bar is crossed on the stem of the letter "t", you chose "Midway up the stem". This tells me that you set goals that are realistic, practical, and obtainable and that your self-esteem is good, but not super high. I would suspect you still have an aversion to taking too much of a risk and you'll hedge on the side of security.

The good news is your confidence is strong enough to leave a really bad situation and take those first key steps toward living your dreams. People that cross their "t's" in the upper middle are pragmatic and secure with themselves. But, there are still more dreams to achieve... so stretch yourself even more!

false. for a few reasons. (1) not much phases me, so if i want to do something, i make sure i do it sometime. in the past 12 months i've lived in eastern europe, the midwest, the south, and now the east coast, mostly just because i love to travel and purposefully am making an effort to see the world... i have a habit of just kinda picking up, going, and doing as i see fit. similar applys to non-travel things to do. (2) self esteem good but not super high? well, i disagree for varying reasons i won't go into at present, whatever, moving right along

When asked how the t-bar ends, you chose "Knife point toward the right". This tells me that you are a bit "sarcastic". You see, sarcasm is a wonderful means of defending your ego. Often this sarcasm comes out as a wry sense of humor. People love that.... (etc. etc. etc.)

heh, yeah

This is a great trait! Concerning your lower case t's, the last question deals with the TILT of the t-bar. You chose "Upward toward sky"... which tells me that you're optimistic, forward thinking, and a self-starter. Optimism is one key trait of successful and happy people. So, even if your life sucks today, you automatically assume that it will be better tomorrow!

i'm an optimist? how come i didn't know that? i'm a think-too-much-to-be-too-optimistic type person i'd say.

When I asked you if the first letter of your signature was larger than the other letters, you indicated that it was. This tells me you have a strong sense of who you are and a healthy "ego". I mean ego in a good way... it takes an expanded sense of self-importance to get things done and demand the world give you what you deserve.

So, your larger letters in your signature indicate a tendency to show the world your self-assured and confident side. The larger the letters... the stronger the ego. If you want to know your full self-image, re-read the section on where you cross your t-bar.

dude, sense of who i am yes... self-assured, not as much. but whatever, this is all fun and games, right?


so that's what the "experts" have to say about me... go figure =P

ok, this is really not smart... up at 4:30 when i have a TON of work to do this weekend and i'm gonna end up pulling another series of near-all-nighters next week if i'm not careful!

really, good night!

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