Wednesday, December 17, 2003


that's what i have to say to pretty much 17 hours straight of analysis. well, i stopped for lunch, dinner, and a starbucks run, but basically 10am til 3am that's what i did... and duuuuuude.

i've now written up something for every problem although the later in that span i got to them the less faith i have in the correctness of my solutions... whatever. i spent a little over an hour trying to see even a pinpoint of daylight on the extra credit problem, but no cigar... whatever.

my billy joel dedicaiton to the exam:
don't ask for help, you're all alone
you'll have to answer to your own

i'm sure you'll have some cosmic rationale
but here you are in the ninth
two men out and three men on
nowhere to look but inside
where we all respond to pressure

is that not perfect or what? unfortunately part of my response to "pressure" is to have so many things whirring around in my mind that i can't sleep (hence being up and writing an hour after i first tried to go to sleep... oops)... whatever, in a mere 15 hours my semester will be done... analysis can stop being the bane of my existence until next term starts over a month from now, and i can catch up with and deal with all the stressors that have added up since august to make this probably 4 of the most stressful months of my life... january = fresh start... duuuude, what a thought =)

i'm definitely wearing my new "cranky" toe socks to the exam tomorrow. do dah.


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