Monday, December 29, 2003


life = $$$... maaaan....

went out this morning to spend errands expecting to spend $28.68 plus tax and tips total... $12 on a much needed haircut and $16.68 with the coupon i had for an oil change, but not so much.... instead, ended up paying $14 for the haircut, and $655+ on the car (needed new front brake pads)... better safe than sorry but i hate having to spend that much when i'm already trying to pay off all kinds of other crazy stuff... who knows.

had lunch with mom... big news next week, but can't ramble about it until it's officially public news lest someone random come across here who shouldn't read about that i know is up... look for high pudwell drama here in another week and a half though -- life is going to get mighty entertaining soon.

otherwise reading lots... that hideous strength is a mighty quality book... read nearly 100 pages while waiting on my car this afternoon.... read it before but it's even better this time through.... gonna work on that like crazy tonight -- lord knows i sure can't afford to be spendin more money for a bit.

and yep folks, it's back -- i've got me a drawl. =P... sat down to talk to tracy phelps (in my class K-8... her dad's the janitor at the school where mom's principal... hadn't seen her in a good 4 years or so) and it got so thick you could cut it with a knife... i don't conscientiously do it, but i start talkin to people with a drawl and i pick one up for a bit again... try real hard to duplicate it when i've been out of tha area a bit and i cain't no matter how hard i try... but leave me here for a bit and i pick it up again in no time!

well, i'm off readin again... a good afternoon to all y'all.

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