Saturday, May 28, 2005


*on the phone*
ben: um hi, so why am i supposed to call you before i eat lunch?
me: so you can eat lunch with me after my devious plot!
ben: oooh! you've got my interest, what's your devious plot?
me: you're going to laugh at me.
ben: lara, i've been awake for 5 minutes, i'm not coherent enough to laugh at anything
me: fine,... i think you want to come with me to the mall to get my ears pierced and then go get lunch with me
ben: why was i going to laugh?
me: because i haven't thought about doing this in over 10 years
ben: what? you haven't been to paneras in 10 years? that's a lie.
me: um duh, haven't had my ears pierced since i was 10... try again.

apparently i've convinced myself it's a good idea to get my ears repierced today, and yesterday i painted all my fingernails and toenails ice blue (see below)

what is wrong with me?!?!

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